Friday, January 10, 2014

13 Things from 2013

13 Things from 2013


So I am still really bad at formatting this whole thing, but I figured since I made ZERO posts in 2013, that I would make a cliche "13 things" post about 2013. 
  1. I started my senior year at MSU.  Is that even allowed to be reality?  I'm still coming to grips with it and I have to graduate in May, not okay.
  2. I celebrated my 21st birthday and at midnight I was at Buffalo Wild Wings.  It was quite the fun night.
  3. Steven and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary.  He's pretty great. :)
    Back when we first started dating.  How adorable, right?
  4. According to Facebook it was back on March 4th that Mary nominated me for a liebster blog.  I was super excited about it and had written out a long post that continually deleted itself when I attempted to post it. 
  5. While we are somewhat on the topic of Facebook, can I just say how proud I am of myself that I only had 2 profile pictures during the entire year?  I'm pretty proud. 
  6.  My love for Jim Parsons and the Big Bang Theory has only grown.  I have two shirts, three games, a poster, and all available seasons on DVD.  Jim Parsons and that show just make me so happy.  I am also considering making my own monopoly of it à la Camp Able-opoly.  It'll be good times, don't worry.
  7.  One of my happier moments happened when I was at a professors office hours.  I was really struggling with a problem and how to understand the concept surrounding it.  The professor used the word "brilliant" to describe me.  
  8. I found out that I had a new allergy.  Here is the inside of my arm.
    SO RED...and it got worse.
  9. I decided that when I get my masters I want to become certified in ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders).  I met with someone who gave me some good information on it and I am really looking forward to it.
  10.  I begun quite the obsession with Nicolas Cage pictures.  I think that they can be rather hysterical.  Ever since this obsession started people will randomly send me images that they find and it just brightens my day so much.
    The picture that began it all.
  11. I met Tom Izzo at the cafeteria.  Pretty snazzy. 
  12. I found this beautiful piece of poetry in a memory box.  From the date on it you can figure out that I was only eight-years-old when it was written.
  13.  I had zero posts in 2013.  (Unless you count the one that kept deleting itself.